Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Okay, I am actually completing a tag...
How long have you been together? Married 5 ½

How long did you date? 1 year on, 1 off, 1 on then married

How old is he? 30 in Sept, crazy!

Who eats more? Not fair, I’m pregnant, although its pretty close even when I’m not.

Who said “I love you” first? He did as we were getting out of the car to get a movie at Blockbuster… only a week after we met.

Who is taller? Mike

Who is smarter? He can fix and put together anything, I’m not patient enough, but I can do book stuff…

Who does the laundry? Me usually

Who does the dishes? I cook more and he’s great about helping clean up, I think he got that from Ray.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me

Who pays the bills? I keep track of all that, I’m a control freak

Who mows the lawn? I actually like to, so I sometimes surprise him but usually he does.

Who cooks dinner? I do

Who is more stubborn? It’s a toss up, we can both be huge jerks about some things.

Who kissed who first? He did, it was horrible!! Haha

Who asked who out? He called to ask me out when he knew I was out with my friends, but he did the initial asking out.

Who proposed? He did, at the Space Needle (location of our first date) he was so nervous which was funny because I knew he was asking.

Who is more sensitive? Right now me (pregnant) but hes definitely a sensitive guy.

Who has more friends? Me, but all the girls love Mike with his giant smile and easygoingness.

Who has more siblings? Me by 9

Who wears the pants in the relationship? Definitely me, and he hates it!
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Jaime said...

You did it, I'm so happy! Okay, so you should elaborate on that one about the first kiss being horrible, that story must be told. :)

Lisa Danielson said...

YEAHH! Welcome back to the blogging world! I'm sure we'll have you back until May---what a cute post!

kelly said...

i can't believe i'm just now reading this! sorry, i just don't check your blog very often cuz you never post girl! just teasin.
love reading about you and mikes.

About Me

I'm a working mom who loves spending time with my little Sophie girl and hubby. I love this time of year and can't wait for lots of sunny days.